Once you've created an audience, the last step is to sync it to your desired destination(s).
For example, say you've created an audience of users who've added a particular product type to their cart without purchasing it. You likely want to sync this audience to ad platforms like Facebook or Google so you can target them with personalized ads about the product in their cart.
Sync configuration for an audience is the same as any other sync configuration. You need to map fields, schedule the sync, and set up alerts as desired.
If you're syncing multiple audiences, sync templates can help you streamline your audience sync setup.
Sync configuration requires an understanding of your data and business goals. Business stakeholders can usually complete this step, but you may need to loop in your technical team depending on your implementation.
Hightouch surfaces match rates for syncs to paid advertising destinations. Match rates show the number of users (by both raw count and percentage) that the downstream ad platform recognized.
You can view match rates for all of an audience's paid ad syncs on the audience's Syncs tab. An individual sync's match rate also appears on the sync's overview page.
Clicking the match rate opens a details view that shows:
external status of the sync
matched users
match percentage
links to your audiences in the ad platform
If you're interested in increasing your match rates, check out Hightouch's Match Booster.
When managing many audiences, it can become tedious to recreate the same sync configuration each time. For example, you may want to sync several Lookalike audiences to Facebook. Hightouch offers a tool called sync templates to streamline your audience sync setup.
Sync templates let you define sync configuration settings once for a particular destination. You create the sync template and then use it to add syncs for each audience requiring the same configuration settings and schedule. You can also use multiple templates for an audience if you're sending it to several destinations.
Click Settings in your schema and go to the Sync Templates tab.
Click Add sync template to launch the template creation flow.
Select an existing Parent Model.
Configure your sync as you would typically: creating field mappings and selecting a schedule. Refer to destination docs for specific configuration details.
Once finished, give the template a name.
You can now use the sync template for multiple audience syncs.
You can only use sync templates for audiences derived from the same parent
model as the sync template.
From the Audiences page, select an audience that you'd like to sync using a sync template.
Select Add sync from the audience page, and select one or more templates.
Click Add syncs.
Your audience now syncs according to the sync template configuration, including the template's schedule. Syncs created from templates inherit changes made to the parent sync template.
Please reach out to our Customer Success team to enable this feature for your workspace.
To unlock a field, go to the template configuration and toggle the switch labeled "Lock this field". By default, all fields are locked.
Some fields are dependent on each other. In such cases, you may need to unlock a dependent field first.
Hovering over the switch will inform you of any dependencies.
After declaring which fields are unlocked, attach the template to an audience as described above.
If the attached template has unlocked fields, you will have the option to assign a sync-level value which will override the template's value.
Values that differ from the sync template's default are indicated by the "Custom value" label.
These overrides can be updated at any time in the future by going to the sync configuration.
Ready to get started?
Jump right in or a book a demo. Your first destination is always free.